Monday, October 1, 2012

Group Presentations: The Glorious Revolution

Group Presentations:  The Glorious Revolution

                Thesis: English colonies fervently believed in the rights given to the British during the Glorious Revolution . However, the acts established by the British Imperial rule during 1736 and 1776 that were placed upon the colonists left many disillusioned with the government am  began to demand the republican values given to men in the Mother country. The governmental policies of England had a wavering effect on the political, economic and social issues of the American colonies. The English Bill of Rights inspired colonists to protest virtual representation and excessive British taxes.

                                                         Link: The English Bill of Rights

After the death of Queen Elizabeth I the country had to find an heir to the throne, since she left  no children, King James I succeeded as King. The Glorious Revolution originally took place in England with the overthrow of King James II and the replacement of William III (of Orange) and his wife Mary II of England. The Glorious Revolution in turn provided a chance for American colonist to claim their rights as Englishmen which should have rightfully been theirs. However, Parliament argued that everyone under the control of the English crown was represented, through virtual representation. England, passed the Sugar Act, Currency Act,  Quartering Act, and Stamp Act. This sparked resistance within Colonists, in the forms of rebellion specifically the Jacobite rising, the seven Years war and the American revolution . The Rights of the English were found in the English Bill of Rights; which stated freedom of speech, no taxation without representation, freedom to petition are only but a few examples that the Bill presented for Englishmen.  
Queen Elizabeth I

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