Monday, October 15, 2012

Founding Fathers: William Paterson

          WILLIAM PATERSON    
                My name is William Paterson I was born December 24, 1745 in County Antrim  and moved to the United States at the age of two. When I was fourteen I entered the College of New Jersey , where I studied law with Richard Stockton. I was admitted into the bar in 17683, a culmination of my perilous efforts I founded the Cliosphic Society along with Aaron Burr.
               I was elected as Somerset County, New Jersey delegate for the three provincial congresses of New Jersey and as secretary I recorded the New Jersey Constitution.  I was appointed as the first Attorney General of New Jersey serving from 1776 to 1783, I established myself as one of New Jersey’s  most prominent lawyers. In 1787 I was sent to the Philadelphia Convention where I proposed the New Jersey Plan. This plan called for a legislative body with equal representation from each state, which was resolved by the Great Compromise:  the Senate had equal representation for each state and the House of Representatives.

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