Monday, March 18, 2013

Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life

 Women have had to fight endlessly in order to combat the social norms that American Society had placed on women- the cult of domesticity. Women fought. They fought abuse  in both physical and mental sense. Why is it that when women gained the right to vote through the nineteenth amendment that American society thought the struggle for women's rights had reached its climax? The truth is far from that, the nineteenth amendment only helped set the movement in motion.

Landmark case Roe vs Wade (1973) was the first case to question the constitutionality of Texan Abortion laws, which made it illegal to attempt or obtain abortion except on medical advice to save the mother. Roe was not the name of the actual woman rather a pseudonym, other involved included Dr. Hallford  that faced prosecution for conducting "illegal" abortions, the Does, that wanted to keep abortion laws, and defending district attorney Wade. The court ruled that Texan-abortion laws infringed the ninth and fourteenth amendment on its citizens, and that the decision of abortion in the third-trimester would be left up to the woman
.For more info on Roe vs. Wade (highly recomended)

Pro-Life versus Pro-Choice that seems to be the question, plaguing women's roles in society.
It is my whole-hearted belief that the decision of abortion should be left entirely up to the woman who is carrying the child, it is unfair to think that anyone else could make the decision for that woman. The person who is directly involved in the dilemma knows best. To IMPOSE a decision on someone seems hypocritical of the very fabric that American ideals were created upon- the right to individual representation.

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